The Superfood Spotlight: Purple Potatoes as Featured on Netflix

 Blue /Purple Potatoes as Featured on Netflix: Live to 100 Secrets of the Blue Zone

Blue /Purple potatoes have garnered significant attention, thanks in part to their feature on the popular Netflix series “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.”Once a staple in the diets of some of the world’s longest-living populations, has now stepped into the limelight as a modern superfood.

National Geographic Explorer and best-selling author Dan Buettner has traveled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity, which he found in the blue zones: places around the world where higher percentages of people enjoy remarkably long, full lives.  One of the Secrets were adding Blue Potatoes your diet.

 Below is the script detailing the potatoes:

Episode 1:

“ So I started looking into these dietary surveys and I found one that compares the diet of Okinawa with the rest of Japan, circa 1950. And you go down the chart of what Okinawans are eating and things like meat, eggs and fish and it’s only one to 2% of their caloric intake. And then there’s one food where it’s about 70% and that one food is Benny Emo, purple sweet potatoes. In the rest of Japan they were only 3% of their calories from sweet potatoes. And perhaps the main reasons Okinawans ate so much better emo was because we potatoes were typhoon proof. The very emo was safe underground. The sweet potatoes are full of complex carbohydrates, and fiber, and they even have about 150% More of the act of antioxidants than blueberries do. So then of course you say well, this has got to be in so I’ve been traveling around the world for 20 years trying to understand how people live a long time. What is the one Okinawan food people should try if they want to live longer,


Nutritional Powerhouse Summary

Blue/ Purple potatoes, particularly the Okinawan variety, are a treasure trove of nutrients. 

Rich in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that gives them their vibrant hue, these potatoes offer more than just aesthetic appeal. 

Anthocyanins are known for their cell-protective properties, lining cell walls and acting as a barrier against microbes and pathogens. 

Blue / Purple potatoes are high in polyphenols, vitamin C, and soluble fiber, making them an excellent choice for a health-conscious diet.

Longevity Link

The Netflix series “Live to 100” sheds light on the dietary habits of the people in Okinawa, Japan, a region renowned for its high number of centenarians. 

A key component of their diet is the purple sweet potato, which they consume in substantial quantities. 

This dietary habit, combined with an active lifestyle and positive mindset, contributes to their remarkable longevity. 

The series highlights how incorporating such nutrient-dense foods into our diet can have profound effects on our health and lifespan.


The humble blue /purple potato, once a secret of the world’s Blue Zones, has now gained global recognition thanks to its feature on Netflix. 

Its impressive nutritional profile, link to longevity, and culinary versatility make it a must-try superfood. 

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